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A. J. Crow

author of boatloads of fantasy, tons of romance, and a splatter of sci-fi

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#agoblinsmisadventures #knellthegoblin #knellsinventions


Goblins, Gadgets, & Gourds

A Goblin's Misadventures (Book 1)

A goblin inventor with a dream to drop the mischief and cave-crawling for an honest life

A plus-size demigod who is all work and no play

A man...who thinks he's a scarecrow

And a giant pumpkin demon who dances way too much and sings far too loudly

Knell's Story...

Being a goblin means Knell has a lot to prove to the world since the green kind doesn’t exactly have the best reputation. His first official invention fresh out of the factory, Knell heads to an affluent, beautiful city prone to unpredictable blackouts that heavily impact the farming community.

Knell’s plan: change their lives one household at a time. But with his head turned into a giant pumpkin, his invention totally flopping, and nothing but lint in his pockets, it's looking like his best chance might be retreating to the dreaded goblin caves. With dogged determination, the goblin finds hope in the new bonds he forms, the transforming ingenuity of his ideas, and the strength that sprouts in himself.

If you're looking for stories with boundless fantasy, pure weirdness, possibly one (or more) tentacles, subverting all the tropes, and you're a lover of a series -- yup, I've got you.

What Wonders Await...

If you're looking for romance, romance, romance, all the romance, from innocent to slow burn to spicy, then you'd best believe, I got you there too. That's a promise.

If you're looking for the same characters throughout the entire series so you can sink deeper into their crazy, chaotic, fun, exciting, bizarre, sexy, and adventurous lives, then welcome, friend. You've found your new happy place.

Yet to Come

Snag a glimpse of upcoming stories here to titillate in the near future...muahahaha!

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Behind the Mask

A. J. Crow is a storyteller penning hidden novels since they were old enough to hold a crayon. When Crow isn't spending all the time in the world writing, you can find this curious author drawing far too many characters, buying books she has no room for, perusing the aisles at craft stores, and forever looking for new, hands-on hobbies.

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